See the Canvas page for Spring 2023 syllabus
Course Goals
- Learn how to perform scientific experiments.
- Learn tricks to discover, control and estimate errors.
- Learn how to write a good scientific report.
Tucker Jones 513 Physics
Teaching Assistant
Pritom Mozumdar 506 Physics
Meeting Schedule
Tu, Thu 2:10 PM - 6 PM, 156 & 154 Roessler
Lab open 9-5 weekdays; enter via 156. Some night work required 9-midnight.
Laboratory Manuals
Go to the Experiments section.
Grading Policy
The Counting Statistics experiment is worth 10 points; pre-labs, homework, and notebooks are worth 10 points; and each of the two main experiments is worth 40 points. Pre-Labs must be completed before you are allowed to start your experiment.
Note that you will need to fully understand the Counting Statistics experiment in order to get a passing grade on your two main experiments. PRE-LABS ARE MOST IMPORTANT. IF YOU DO NOT HAND IN YOUR PRE-LABS ON TIME YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE A FAILING GRADE.
The letter grade will be based on the above points, plus in-class participation and teamwork.