Cosmic Rays

Experiment Guide
1.  Pre-Lab
2.  Cosmic Rays
Related Material
1.  Melissinos (2003) 404-409.
2.  Measurement
3.  MuLan
4.  Tektronix 4000 Series Oscilloscope
5.  PMT Review
1.  Ortec 556 HV Power Supply
2.  RCA-4522 PMT
3.  LRS 334 Quad Amplifier
4.  LRS 623B Discriminator
5.  LRS 128L Linear Fan Out
6.  LRS 364 4-Fold Gate
7.  LRS 222N Dual Gate Generator
8.  Model 2145 TAC
9.  Ortec 542 Pulse Stretcher













In this experiment you will measure Cosmic Rays. The origin of the primary particle causing cosmic rays is still an open question in astrophysics. This particle interacts with nuclei of atoms in the upper atmosphere causing a shower of secondary particles including muons. Muons have almost exactly the same properties as electrons except they are heavier. Muons can decay due to the mass difference between muons and electrons. Muons and electrons interact with matter only electromagnetically or by the weak nuclear force. Cosmic ray muons arise from the decay of pions which are produced by high energy collisions of incoming cosmic rays with nuclei in the atmosphere. This is the main experiment in which you will learn about particle detectors, phototubes, and fast logic electronics.